Time to expedition

Crew check

9A3DW Foot in mouth Yes Yes Yes Back home!  
VK6VY Tongue out Yes Yes Yes Back home!  
9A6XX  Sealed Yes Yes Yes Back home!  
9A8MM Cool Yes Yes Yes Back home!
Vanuatu - YJ 2010 - DXpedition
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21st January
to 28th January 2010
160m - 10m, CW/SSB/RTTY
CQ zone: 32
ITU zone: 56
IOTA reference: OC-035
Locator: RH42DH
Island Efate

DXpedition Vanuatu 2010 behind us

Whole team is back at their homes with lot of impressions behind them. We hope you enjoyed our activity as we enjoyed working all of you! We hope to be in position to plan new future activites with improved setup and operating expirience!

You can find our Vanuatu photos in our gallery!

Final result: 7600 qsos with 46% EU contacts!

6th April 2010: We are starting to reply direct QSL requests begining next week! Thanks for the patience!
28th April 2010: YJ0MM is now also on LoTW.
18th September 2010: All remaining QSL cards have been sent via the buro.

Story behind YJ0MM

Vanuatu story behind this team begins not so long ago, in August 2009, after Ante (9A4DU) who already got Vanuatu's licence YJ0DU, and Nikola (9A6DX) announced their activity from this nice pacific republic. Team is soon after joined by Hrle (9A6XX) and Marko (9A8MM), and just a bit over a month prior to the activity team is powered by Franko (9A3DW) and much serious activity could be planned.  Most recently team was joined by Zeljko (VK6VY/9A5AVV). Time was short but general plan was to have two medium power stations on the air and be able to log greatly over 10.000 contacts in 6-7 days of activity despite the sun cycle minimum and high wet season in southern pacific at the time being. Unfortunatly, Ante (9A4DU) and Nikola (9A6DX) were forced to leave out from the team due to their working commitments - as for the rest of us, flight tickets were in hands and team was excited to go! All these circumstances made this team's pacific advanture assured and we are happy that many amateurs all over the world took a part in it!

Thank you for working us!
Franko (9A3DW), Hrle (9A6XX), Marko (9A8MM), Zeljko (VK6VY/9A5AVV)


The DX Pub - #89 Most Wanted World
GDXF - #72 Most Wanted Central Europe
Club Log - #77 Most Wanted World
Croatian Team & members of
Radioklub "Pazin" 9A7P & "Northern
Corridor Radio Group" VK6ANC
vanuatu.travel www.rkp.hr

Need Vanuatu contact? Sked us on E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Wanna support us? E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it